Newton Trailers Limited News

Small - far away, Small - Far Away

This is the problem of our century - getting a sense of proportion on all our problems - don't you just love Father Ted?



Posted by Andrew on 22/03/2022

Shitty death.....

Everyone said don't do it, so.......
I know everyone's head is either in the fuel crisis or Ukraine crisis but we would just like to say Newton is concerned about these as you are but also fixing the other crisis.
We are scared shitless that our trailers need thousands of tons each year of aluminium or steel to make them.
So Newton (and you the customer) have choices whether to leave the toilet sparkling after using it or 'curry night' brown. Now we know that when you want a trailer - you just want a trailer. So we know we have to hide the fact that we are trying here at Newton to make sure we sell the best eCO2 trailer - this is literally saving 100,000 tons of carbon per year better than a company that just thinks truck racing or that throwing McDonalds bag out of the car window is a good thing. If everyone bought from us maybe there would be one less crisis.....even after the energy crisis and Ukraine our kids will want a planet that functions.

Posted by Andrew on 22/03/2022

Are STAS straightframe or stepframe tipping trailers?

Are STAS straightframe or stepframe tipping trailers?

We often get asked are the STAS tipping trailers sold by Newton Trailers stepframe or straightframe? Well we sell both. When we offer the aggregate wonder trailer - we construct it as a straightframe chassis with a trapezoid body.

When we make the bulk trailers we manufacture them on the steel Medias Chassis with a small stepframe. Confusingly the body is straight on this.  So the small step is lost by cunning engineering into the body. The win is a reduction in height - giving on the road stability as you run along the roads. Comments are that they follow beautifully - part assisted by the ultra wide 1400mm chassis.

Posted by Andrew on 03/03/2022

Are Luck Trailers the lightest tipping trailer in the UK?

Are Luck Trailers the lightest tipping trailer in the UK?


Luck 75 cyd steel body tipping trailers can be constructed in full hardox steels down to 7.800 tonnes. This is typically 2 tonnes lighter than the traditional construction of Fruehauf, KBF or Draycott.

Posted by Andrew on 03/03/2022

Are Luck Trailers any good.

Are Luck Tipping Trailers any good?

Luck are one of STAS's 4 manufacturing companies in Europe. STAS would be named number 1 for alloy tipping trailers in the EU. A fourth generation family company who sleep, wake and eat with no other thought in their heads other than how to be number 1 in customer satisfaction and product quality. Luck gained an enviable reputation over 15 years in Germany as the number 1 for quality prior to STAS taking them over. They had the USP of producing the lightest scrap trailer in Germany and then in the UK and by some distance. They are laser cut and laser welded and that is just not possible to beat. By any metric they are fabulous and the payback on payload alone makes them the only choice for the quality buyer of steel body tipping trailers in the UK.

Posted by Andrew on 03/03/2022

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